Some programming, prototypes, school projects and other fun stuff I've done...

Some pr



types, school

projects & other
fun stuff I've done...


Bringing a User Interface Into the Real World. An AR exploration.

Using Apple's AR-Kit, I created an experience that brings user interface into the real world and onto the existing workspace. I explored different ways of increasing immersion and joyful everyday interactions.

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I said no :(

A human-computer interaction prototype with attitude. Using arduino and processing, I explored human relationships to artifical creatures. What makes us have empathy?

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Crafting a Healthy Snack that Kids Actually Like.

How might we get kids to eat healthily? During my minor, "Food Product Design", I worked in an Interdisciplinarity team with Industrial Designer and Food Engineer on a healthy brownie snack for children. We even got to test the product in a kindergarten with children. Danone was our client, and our product achieved the first price.

Experiencing Touch Interactions Without Touching.

A Study Into the Psychology of Design Characteristics Using 3D Objects.

An Homage to iPod Classic Gaming Using Processing

JavaScript with APIs

With this website coded by me, you can find the perfect landing spot for your space shuttle. I used HTML/CSS, JavaScript and several APIs.

Can Native Programming Become a Prototyping Tool? - SwiftUI

A challenge I set myself to learn Swift and SwiftUI for mobile app development. I am surprised how intuitive this language is.