Mobile App

A Migraine Medication Detox App Supporting Patients to Live an Untroubled Life.

An app that accompanies migraine patients to transition from using medication to a mediation-free life. A project for the "Association of Dutch Headache Centers". I designed every step along the way within a team of 5 people, from doing competitive analysis to Lo-Fidelity wireframes and a High-Fidelity clickable prototype.


This project was done within "Nalta" for the Association of Dutch Headache Centers (ADHC)

My role

  • Product Design
  • UX Research
  • Graphic Design


I worked within a team consisting of product manager, Product designer and developer.

Tools used

  • Adobe Xd
  • Miro
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Webflow
  • Pen & paper

It All Starts By Checking-In.

But Let's Onboard You First.

What I learned

Many official matters can already be dealt with online. However, some do still need a physical appointment at the public hall. For all of these, the citizens of Haarlem need to schedule one. This can be done online or, alternatively, via phone. You can imagine the importance this experience has within the user’s journey. Many official matters can already be dealt with online. However, some do still need a physical appointment at the public hall. For all of these, the citizens of Haarlem need to schedule one. This can be done online or, alternatively, via phone. You can imagine the importance this experience has within the user’s journey.

Many official matters can already be dealt with online. However, some do still need a physical appointment at the public hall. For all of these, the citizens of Haarlem need to schedule one. This can be done online or, alternatively, via phone. You can imagine the importance this experience has within the user’s journey. Many official matters can already be dealt with online. However, some do still need a physical appointment at the public hall. For all of these, the citizens of Haarlem need to schedule one. This can be done online or, alternatively, via phone. You can imagine the importance this experience has within the user’s journey.

What are the stakeholders saying

Many official matters can already be dealt with online. However, some do still need a physical appointment at the public hall. For all of these, the citizens of Haarlem need to schedule one. This can be done online or, alternatively, via phone. You can imagine the importance this experience has within the user’s journey. Many official matters can already be dealt with online. However, some do still need a physical appointment at the public hall. For all of these, the citizens of Haarlem need to schedule one. This can be done online or, alternatively, via phone. You can imagine the importance this experience has within the user’s journey.

Many official matters can already be dealt with online. However, some do still need a physical appointment at the public hall. For all of these, the citizens of Haarlem need to schedule one. This can be done online or, alternatively, via phone. You can imagine the importance this experience has within the user’s journey. Many official matters can already be dealt with online. However, some do still need a physical appointment at the public hall. For all of these, the citizens of Haarlem need to schedule one. This can be done online or, alternatively, via phone. You can imagine the importance this experience has within the user’s journey.

Identify Triggers By Checking Your Well-Being.

Be Part of a Community.

Always Here to Support.

Stay Motivated And Engaged.

Journey Outside The App.

Available On The
App Store.

The app is available both in the apple app store and in the google play store. However, in order to use the app a recommendation letter (with passcode) from a doctor is required.

Download on the App Store

Creating A Physical And Digital Appointment Journey For Haarlem

Read case study